The elevator entity can be found in Rollup Bar under Entity
Automatic: Turns the automatic function on/off
Destination Floor: Specifies the destination floor
FloorCount: Specifies the number of floors
FloorHeight: Specifies the distance between floors
InitialFloor: Specifies the floor to start on
Model: Specifies the model to use
SmartObjectClass: Specifies the smart object class of the object
Acceleration: Specifies how fast the elevator accelerates
Axis: Specifies the axis of the elevator to move
Speed: Specifies the speed to move
StopTIme: Specifies how long the lift takes to stop
Delay: Specifies how long before the lift starts
Floor: Specifies the floor
Model: Specifies the model to use
SmartObjectClass: Specifies the smart object class of the object
szUseMessage: Specifies the message to show when used
SoundOnPress: Specifies the sound to use when the object is pressed. Other Elevator Parameters
Click here for the Miscellaneous Parameters reference guide, here for the Material Layers guide, here for the Miscellaneous Entity Parameters guide, here for the Entity Links guide and here for the Entity Events guide.