Entity Links
The Entity Links pane displays entities linked to the main entity. Creating an entity link is essentially making a dynamic link which can be referenced in LUA script, so for example if you have a Mission Objective entity you can create a link that can be easily referenced in LUA that tracks a given number of entities on the map. Or maybe you have an Explosion Trigger that is linked to multiple entities that when activated will kill all these linked entities.
Pick Target
Click the Pick Target button and then the desired entity to create a link.
Double-click to jump between linked entities, right-clicking Link Name or Entity will open a menu with the commands, Change Target Entity, Rename Link and Delete Link.
Change Target Entity
This will change the Entity associated with a link.
Rename Link
Renames a link, when you first create a link it's a good idea to rename it appropriately.
Delete Link
Deletes a link.
Pick New Target
Same functionality as Pick Target button, click Pick New Target and then the desired entity to create a link.