Flash Entity Reference
What is the Flash Entity??
The entity flashes the players screen, same as a flashbang effect the entire screen will be white for some seconds.
Very bright explosions can be simulated.
Specifies how the Sky Light Attenuation.
Specifies in which color the skybox will be lit by the lightning effect
Specifies how bright the skybox will be lit by the lightning effect
Specifies a sound to play when triggered
Sets up the amount of time (in sec.) how long it takes to fade in the effect.
Sets up the amount of time (in sec.) how long it takes to fade out the effect.
Sets up the amount of time (in sec.) fade in and out takes the effect.
Other Flash Entity Parameters
Click here for the Miscellaneous Parameters reference guide, here for the Material Layers guide, here for the Miscellaneous Entity Parameters guide, here for the Entity Links guide and here for the Entity Events guide.