Sandbox 2 Manual
Particle Editor Reference

Particle Editor Reference





The Particle Editor can be found in the Database View/Particles tab. 

You can use the Particle Editor to create particle effects and tweak their parameters, but also manage and store them. 

In order to use a particle effect you can either drag and drop an effect into the perspective view or you assign the effect to a selected particle entity. This entity determines the basic location, angle, scale, and or link information with other entities. 


User Interface Overview






If you save the level the particle library is saved as well, a faster method is using this save button 
Creates a new library 
Removes the currently selected library. You need to manually delete it from the hard drive if you want to permanently remove it. 
Library Selection 
Allows you to select an available library 
Reloads the current library 



Clone Item 
Clones the currently selected entry 
Remove Item 
Deletes the currently selected entry 
Reload Item 
Reloads the currently selected entry 
Assign To Selected 
Assigns the selected entry to the currently selected level object 
Find Selected in Library 
Finds the currently selected level object within the library 



Removes the last undo 
Copies all the settings for the currently selected entry to the clip board 
Writes any entry data from the clip board to the current entry 

Remove Sub Effect 
Removes the selected sub effect. 
Enable/Disable All Sub Effects 
Enables or Disables all sub effects from the selected (sub-) effect. 


Editing Concepts

Base Parameters

Besides the input of the base value, most numeric parameters can be randomized and varied through extra values. 

They allow random variation and evolution over particle and/or emitter lifetime. 

To access the variation controls, click on the expand (+) widget next to the value. When closed, this widget is colored if any variation values are non-default. 

A variable parameter can have the following components: 


  • Base value: This is also the maximum value the parameter can be (any variations only reduce this value).


  • Var Random: This is the maximum fractional amount that the Base value will randomly reduce by.


  • Var Emitter Life: A spline curve that modifies the Base value of a particle or emitter parameter over the Emitter's life time. This only works for emitter's with finite (non-zero) lifetime.


  • Var Particle Life: A spline curve that modifies the Base value of a particle parameter over the Particle's life time. This only works for particle's with finite (non-zero) lifetime.


Control Curve


You have the following some controls to edit control curves 


Moving a point 
Left-click on a point and drag it around 
Changing a point's tangents 
Select the point and press Space This toggles the spline tangents at that point between continuous and non-continuous. Continuous tangents move more smoothly through a point (ease in/out), while non-continuous tangents are more abrupt. To make a given spline segment completely linear, set both end-points to non-continuous. 
Deleting a point 
Double-click an existing point, or select it and press Delete 


Color Parameters

The Color parameter works a little differently.

  • Random Var Is a percentage value that varies the Base Color, separately in each component.
  • Life Curves are color curves that multiply the Base Color. Thus, they don't show the resultant color directly (unless the base color is white). They are edited with a color gradient control.


Moving a point in time 
Left-click on a point and drag it around 
Editing a point's color 
Double-click the existing point 
Changing a point's tangents 
Right-click on the point to toggle the tangents between continuous and non-continuous 
Deleting a point 
Select the point and press Delete 


Child Effects

An effect can have any number of child effects, created and shown in the Item View as nested sub-effects. They can be nested to any level. There are 2 kinds of child effects: 


  • Regular Child Effects behave just like separate effects, except they are spawned with and attached to their parent effect. Each child effect has its own independent lifetime etc. This allows you to create an overall effect that consists of several parts.


  • Second-Generation Child Effects are effects that are attached to the individual particles of the parent effect. That is, a separate emitter is spawned for each particle of the parent effect, and those emitters move with their parent particles. This allows you to create much more complex effects. You can nest second-generation effects multiple times, creating 3rd-or-more generation effects. Be careful, however, since the number of particles created is equal to the product of the child effect Count and the parent effect Count.


Particle effect creation Workflow

Prepare a Library

Same as many other elements in Cryengine2, particle effect data is saved in Library file (xml). Default place to put it is game/Libs/Particles. Every particle effects in game are managed on this way, and then you can find any particle effect in game at this folder. Every effects are classified into each library as it looks, like water, or smoke_and_fire. 

The first thing you have to do is make new library, and save it in to appropriate place. After this, you add your new Groups or Items in it. 

Group and Item

Every particle effects are belonging to Group. At first, you have to make new group to add new Item on your library. 

Prepare Texture and apply materials

Texture is most important element of the particle effect. It is not too much to say that more than half of the weight to make effect looks great, is on the quality of texture 

Edit Parameters

After you set texture to the new item, then next you tweak parameters. If you intend some problem which more easy to solve on texture at this time, don't hesitate to back to texture editing 

Implement into Game

Finally you implement your particle effect into game. You save your library and tell new effect name to someone who need it. 

For most of case, your work is done at this time. But sometimes you also do implementation work by your self, like put emitter on to scene and link it to asset, or control it by the Flow Graph, or Track View. Also you can setup Material Effect to tell the engine a correct bullet impact effect depends on hit point’s material, or make full screen effect on Flow Graph and implement it into particle effect. You can use Entity Library tab on Database View, to implement effect into any props in game, or Vehicle Editor to implement into any event of the vehicle, like trail or damage effects. 

Toolbar Buttons


Library editing functions


Load Library 

Open the browser and pick up the particle library you want to open. 

Save Modified Libraries 

Save On-Memory Libraries to the disk. This button saves whole libraries on memory if there are any changes, not only the current one. 

Add Library 

Add new library. New library is remaining until close the editor. If you want to keep it, use Save Modified Libraries before you close the editor. 

Remove Library 

Remove current library. A warning will pop up. It doesn’t remove the library file from the disc, just remove current library from on-memory library list. If you want to redo the edit of current library without restarting editor, then you can remove library at once and open it again. 

Library Selector 

Select the current library from on-memory library list. 

Reload Library 

Reload current library. A warning will pop up. If you want to redo the edit of current library without restarting editor, then you can reload library. 

Item editing functions


Add New Item 

Add new item on current library. New Particle Name window will pop up, to set group name and item name. 

Clone Library Item 

Clone current item and all of sub items, and then put it to the clip board. 

Remove Item 

Remove current item. A warning will pop up. It doesn’t change the actual library file on disc, just remove item from on-memory current library. 

Assign Item to Selected Objects 

Assign current item to the selected items on the scene. Only work when you selecting a top node of the each item in the Item View

Get Material From Selection 

Sort material from selected item on the scene, and make it current on the particle editor. Only work when selected item correctly has a particle parameter. 

Reload Item 

The button name is Reload Item, but its reload current library currently. A warning will pop up. If you want to redo the edit of current library without restarting editor, then you can reload library. 

Copy Item 

Copy current item and all of sub items, and then put it to the clip board. 

Paste Item 

Paste items on clip board to the selected item. 

Add Sub Effect 

Add a sub (child) item to the selected item. New effect item will created, which totally set as the default value to all of the parameters. 

Remove Sub Effect 

Remove current item and all of sub items at once. 

Enable/Disable All Sub Effects 

Toggles enable and disable on current item and all of sub items at once. 

Item View



In the Item view you can access and organize your particle effects. 

Right Click Menu



Cut current item and all of sub items, and then put it to the clip board. 


Copy current item and all of sub items, and then put it to the clip board. 


Paste items on clip board to the selected item. 


Clone current item and all of sub items, and then put it to the clip board. 


Rename current item. 


Delete current item and all of sub items. 

Enable/Disable All 

Toggles enable and disable on current item and all of sub items at once. 

Assign To Selected Objects 

Assign current item to the selected items on the scene. Only work when you selecting a top node of the each item in the Item View. 

Preview Window


Positioned at the left bottom place. This can preview each item separately, by just make it current. 

known problems 

  • Can not correctly playback material using effect like refraction.
  • When take a screen capture video, should be closed. Otherwise the screen capture program will try to capture this window also, and fail. To do this, simply drag the top window edge to the bottom and restart screen capture program.


Emitter Tab



Parameters in this tab control the emitting situation of the particle. 




Toggles enable/disable current item. 


If false, all particles are emitted at once. If true, particles are emitted gradually in duration of Emitter Life Time . Once all particles have been emitted, particles continue to emit, maintaining amount number of particles at all times. 


Control the total number of particles on current item. When Continuous is on, work as total numbers of particle at any frame. 


  • Var Random Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


Emitter Life Time 

Specifies a time limit on emitter life if have any value (1 means 1 sec), or infinite life time if 0. Does not apply to non-Continuous effects , which are always disappear as soon as they emit their particles. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


Spawn Delay 

Add some delay time to the start of the spawning of current item. 


  • Var Random Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


Pulse Period 

Set interval duration of restarting emitter. If the Emitter Life Time set to 1 and Pulse Period set to 0.2, then this item will restart 5 times in its life time. 


  • Var Random Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


Particle Life Time 

Set life time to individual particles. Even the emitter expire its life time, spawned particles live out their life time. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


Remain While Visible 

When it’s on, force the current item to visible until they finish every life time events, if the camera is in the bounding box of the current item. There are some parameters which decrease particles to optimize performance. When it’s on, current item ignores these parameters. 

Appearance Tab




Parameters in this tab control the basic appearance of the particle. Should be tweak at first, because this tab also including Texture, which is the most important parameter, generally used in almost all of particles. 




Applies only to 2D particles, Determine how the sprite is oriented in space. Texture orientation is further modified by rotation parameters. 


  • Camera Sprite faces viewer, texture X&Y aligned with screen X&Y.


  • Free Sprite rotates freely in 3D.


  • Velocity Sprite faces direction of movement, texture X&Y aligned with screen X&Y.


  • Horizontal Sprite faces upward, texture X&Y aligned with world X&Y.


  • Water Sprite aligned to nearest water plane.


  • Terrain Sprite moved and aligned to terrain below position.


Orient To Velocity 

Forces Texture X axis aligned to direction of movement. Rotation parameters can rotate it further. 

Blend Type 

Apply only to 2D particles. Determine how the texture blended on to the sprite. 


  • Alpha Based Blend texture on to sprite by using texture's alpha channel.

Final Color = Particle Color Particle Alpha + Background Color (1 - Particle Alpha). 


  • Color Based Blend texture on to sprite by texture color. Simply add texture color, and then decrease luminance value with keeping texture color, to avoid excess luminance of the result. Texture alpha is not considerable.

Final Color = Particle Color + Background Color * (white - Particle Color


  • Additive Simply add texture color on to the sprite. Texture alpha is not considerable.

Final Color = Particle Color + Background Color 

  • None Simply display texture on to sprite. Texture alpha is not considerable.

Final Color = Particle Color 


Browse and chose texture to use on current item. Display preview of the texture when the mouse cursor is over the input box. 

Texture Tiling 

Controls multiple usages of the multiple images (tiles) per texture, for variation or animation. 


  • Tiles X, Tiles Y adjusts the texture tiling in the particles local X and Y axis.


  • First Tile Sets the first of the range of tiles used by this particle (numbered from 0).


  • Variant Count Sets how many consecutive tiles in the texture the particle will randomly select from.


  • Anim Frames Count Sets how many tiles make up an animation sequence. Variant Count and Anim Frames Count can be used together. For example, if Variant Count 2 and Anim Frames Count 8, then the particle will randomly choose between using tiles 0 thru 7, or 8 thru 15, as an animated sequence.


  • Anim Framerate Frames per second for the animation. if 0, then the animation runs through one sequence in the particle lifetime.


  • Anim Cycle If true, the animation repeats. Otherwise, it holds on the last frame.



Browse and chose material to use on current item. 


Browse and chose 3D object to use on current item. 

Geometry In Pieces 

If true, and the Geometry asset contains multiple sub-objects, then the geometry will be emitted in split-up pieces, one set per particle Count , originating at each piece's location in the asset. If false, each particle will use the entire geometry (all sub-objects together). 

Soft Particle 

Apply a rendering technique that softens the intersection between sprites and nearby objects, to prevent unnatural seams. 

Ocean Particle 

For particles spawned on or near the ocean surface, uses a rendering technique that softens the intersection with the ocean. 

Lighting Tab




Parameters in this tab control the lighting of the sprite. 




Control the alpha value of the sprite, in addition to texture’s alpha value. 


  • Var Random Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time.



Control the base color of the sprite, in addition to texture’s color value. Can use color picker or pallet by clicking the color preview box next to the text “Color”. 


  • Var Random Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Random Hue When on, randomizes the hue value of the sprite color.


  • Var Emitter Life Applies additional life time color curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life Applies additional life time color curve in duration of Particle Life Time.


Diffuse Lighting 

Controls the multiply value to the particle color for dynamic (diffuse) lighting. 

Diffuse Backlighting 

Control the fraction of diffuse lighting that is applied to particle normals in all directions. 0 is standard diffuse lighting, where the normals facing the light are lit the most. 1 is omnidirectional diffuse lighting, where lights affects all normals equally. This can make translucent appearance particle by adding some value. 

Emissive Lighting 

Controls the multiply value to the particle color for constant emissive lighting. This can make glowish appearance particle by adding some value. 

Emissive HDRDynamic 

Controls the power to apply to engine HDR multiplier, for emissive lighting in HDR. This can make glowish appearance particle by adding some value. 

Receive Shadows 

When turned on, Shadows will be cast on current item. 

Cast Shadows 

Current item will cast shadows. 

Light Source Intensity 

Controls the intensity for a fill light (cheap dynamic light) created at particle position. 


  • Var Random Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time.


Light HDRDynamic 

Control the power to apply to engine HDR multiplier, for particle light source in HDR. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


Var Particle Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time. 

Light Source Radius 

Control radius of the particle fill light. 


  • Var Random Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time.


A summary of how lighting and blend parameters determine particle color


  • Alpha Based
    • Particle Color = Texture Color Color Particle Light
    • Particle Alpha = Texture Alpha * Alpha


  • non Alpha Based
    • Particle Color = Texture Color Color Alpha * Particle Light


  • Particle Light = Diffuse Lighting * Dynamic Lighting + Emissive Lighting


  • Dynamic Lighting = Lighting Color (Lighting Surface Incidence (1 - Diffuse Backlighting) + Diffuse Backlighting)


Size Tab




Parameters in this tab control the size and shape of the sprite. 




For 2D particles, controls the world sprite radius. For 3D particles, controls the scale applied to the geometry. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


Var Particle Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time. 

Tail Length 

Control the length of particle's tail in seconds . Particle texture will be stretched out through tail. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


Var Particle Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time. 

Tail Steps 

Control the number of segments for tail. A higher number will produce smoother tail curves for non-linear-moving particles. 


Control the amount to stretch particle in direction of travel in seconds (based on current velocity). A positive number stretches particle forward, negative backward. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time.


Stretch Offset Ratio 

Controls the relative amount to move particle in direction of stretch. To reposition the particle to the front end of its stretch, set to 1. To reposition it to the back end, set to -1. 

Min Pixels 

Adds this many pixels to particles true size when rendering. This is useful for important effects that should always be visible even at distance. 

Spawning Tab




Parameters in this tab control the spawning conditions of the sprite. By default, particles emit from the emitter center in all directions equally. The following parameters change this behavior. 



Second Generation 

When it’s on, current item will works as a Second-Gene ration Child Effect. See also Child Effects in Basics section above. 

Spawn On Parent Collision 

When Second Generation is on, hold current item’s spawning until the parent particle collides. 

Inherit Velocity 

Controls the rate to how much velocity is inherited from parent particle (0-1, 1 means 100%). 

Attach Type 

Specify the type of emission when current item is assigned to 3D geometry. 

This parameter determines Attach Type for the Second Particle from other geometry particles only. For more details, see also Basic/Second Particle above and Advanced Techniques/Attaching Particle To Geometry below.

  • None: Particles ignore geometry and emit from emitter center as normal.


  • BoundingBox: Particles emit from the bounding box of the geometry object.


  • Physics: Particles emit from the geometry of the attached physics object (can be a mesh or simple primitive).


  • Render: Particles emit from the full mesh of the render object (usually static or animated mesh). Generally more CPU-intensive than emitting from the bounding box.


Attach Form 

When Attach Type is not None , Specifies the elements of the geometry (box or mesh) that particles will emit from. 

See also Attach Type above. 


  • Vertices: Emit randomly from the vertices of the geometry. Most efficient form of Mesh emission.


  • Edges: Emit randomly from the edges of the geometry. Useful for effects on breaking element pieces.


  • Surface: Emit randomly from the surface (faces) of the geometry.


  • Volume: Emit randomly inside the volume of the geometry.


Position Offset 

Adds some offset value (X, Y, Z) to the emission location, in local emitter space. 

Random Offset 

Adds a box shaped random spawning area (X, Y, Z) to the location of the emission, in local emitter space. 

Pos Random Offset 

Add a spherical random spawning area (radius) to the location of the emission, in local emitter space. 

Movement Tab




Parameters in this tab control the movement of the sprite. 




Controls initial speed of particles. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


Air Resistance 

Controls how much react to the global wind speed. Units are 1/seconds. The higher the number, the faster particles will reach wind speed (or rest if no wind). 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time.


Gravity Scale 

Control how much react to the global gravity. Most physical particles should set this to 1 (use Air Resistance to provide drag). Set to a negative value for buoyant particles such as smoke. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time.



Controls the constant acceleration applied to particles, in world space (X,Y,Z). 


Adds a 3D random turbulent movement to the current item, and then control the average speed of it. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time.


Turbulence Size 

Adds a horizontal spiral movement to the current item, and then control the average speed of it. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


  • Var Particle Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Particle Life Time.


Turbulence Speed 

When Turbulence Size has any value, Control the angular speed, in degrees/second, of horizontal spiral motion. 

Angles Tab




Parameters in this tab control the focus direction (which is by default the emitter's Y axis) and rotation value of sprites. 



Focus Angle 

the amount to rotate, in degrees from Y axis. 

Focus Azimuth 

the amount to rotate the new axis about the Y axis. 

Focus Gravity Dir 

Forces focus direction to world negative gravity direction (usually world Z). 

Emit Angle 

Control maximum angle of particle emission away from focus axis (emitter local Y). sub-parameter determines minimum angle. Particles are emitted at random angles around this axis. 


  • Var Random : Adds some random value (0-1, 1 means 100%).


  • Var Emitter Life : Applies additional life time curve in duration of Emitter Life Time.


To emit in a single direction, set to 0. 


  • To emit in a plane around the focus axis, set to 90, Var Random = 0


  • To emit equally in all directions, set to 180, Var Random = 1


Init Angles 

Controls initial rotation applied to particles, as rotations about each axis, in degrees. For sprite particles, only the Z axis is used, and it refers to rotation in screen space. For 3D particles, all 3 axes are used, and refer to emitter local space. 

Random Angles 

Control random variation (bidirectional) to , in degrees. 

Rotation Rate 

Control constant particle rotation, in degrees/second. The axes are the same as for . 

Random Rotation Rate 

Control random variation (bidirectional) to , in degrees/second. 

Physics Tab




Parameters in this tab control the physics setup for the particles. 



Physics Type 

Determines how the particle interacts physically. 


  • None: No collisions or other physics.


  • Simple Collision: Particle collides with selected environment using simple physics. This is most simple mode.


  • Simple Physics: Particle created as entity in the physics system, and collides using a spherical particle model.


  • Rigid Body: Particle created as entity in the physics system, and collides using full geometry. A geometry asset must be set as physicalized model in engine for this particle. This is most expensive mode.


Collide Terrain 

When it’s on, includes terrain in particle collisions. 

Collide Static Objects 

When it is on, includes non-terrain static objects in particle collisions. This is expensive calculation. 

Collide Dynamic Objects 

When it's on, includes non-terrain dynamic objects in particle collisions. This is very expensive calculation. 

Surface Type 

Determine surface material type for collision behavior. If set, overrides Bouncinessand Dynamic Friction below. 


Only affect in case Physics Type is set to Simple Collision . Control the elasticity for collision response. Overridden by Surface Type if set. Special value: if -1, particle dies on first collision. 

Dynamic Friction 


  • Only affect in case Physics Type is set to Simple Collision . Controls the drag value when sliding, in units of 1/seconds. Overridden by Surface Type if set.



Only affect in case Physics Type is set to Simple Physics . Control the fraction of the particle's visible radius to use for the physical radius. 


Only affect in case Physics Type is set to Simple Physics or Rigid Body . Control the density of particle, in kg/m^3. An example of the value which physically collect, is for Water = 1000. 

Max Collision Events 

Only affect in case Physics Type is set to Rigid Body . Limits the number of collisions the particle can have in its physics simulation. 

Force Generation 

Adds an additional force generated by the emitter. 


  • None Doesn't add any force.


  • Wind Creates a physical wind force, approximately following the velocity, direction, and volume, and timing of the emitter's particles. This wind affects all particles and objects in its region, except particles in the emitter group. Setting the emitter's Speed to negative will create the wind force in the opposite direction, which can be used to create a sucking force.


  • Gravity Creates a physical gravity force, similar to , but creating a gravitational acceleration instead of wind velocity.


  • Target Creates an attractive target for all sub items of current item.


Sound Tab




Parameters in this tab browse and control the sound files. Not so many things can do on sound currently. 




Browse and chose the sound file to use on current item. Assigned sound starts at the time when the emitter starts. 

Sound FX Param 

Modulate value to apply to the sound. Its effect depends on how the individual sound's "particlefx" parameter is defined. Depending on the sound, this value might affect volume, pitch, or other attributes. 

Advanced Tab




Parameters in this tab Includes advanced appearance and movement settings, and optimization settings. 



Draw Last 

Modifies draw order of sub effects. Sub effects are rendered by lowest Draw Last value first, or in list order if equal. 

Sort Oldest First 

Reverses default sort order of particles (newest first). 

Visible Indoors 

Determines the show/hide setting of the particles, depends on if the particles spawn at indoor or outdoor. 


  • If_True: Hides particles when outdoors.


  • If_False: Hides particles when indoors.


  • Both: Show particles always.


Visible Underwater 

Determines the show/hide setting of the particles, depends on if the particles spawn on (in) the water or not. 


  • If_True: Hides particles when above water.


  • If_False: Hides particles when under water.


  • Both: Show particles always.


*Disable Vis Clipping Force to disable Vis Area clipping on current item. There is the Vis Area function in the engine to optimize the drawing performance of particles. Usually, particles can exist in only one Vis Area where they born. When they get out from their Vis Area and get in to neighbor, they starts shrink down and disappear before they get in to it. Only one Vis Area can activated at once in the engine, depends on the camera position. This system often causes unexpected pop out of the particles. When it's on, current item ignores Vis Area clipping. 

This Function can see on build No.5681, but it's already disabled. Will be removed from the future builds. There will be another solution in future. 

Not Affected By Fog 

When it's on, current item ignores scene fog. 

Ignore Attractor 

When it's on, current item ignores any attractor that is applied to the emitter. 

Draw Near 

When it's on, Current item rendered in the special "Near" rendering pass. Usually use for 1st person weapon's effects. 

No Offset 

This is for the 3D geometry particle. When it's on, Current item uses geometry's origin as particle position. Default is to use geometry bounding box's center. 

View Distance Adjust 

Controls value to the distance of automatic fade-out. When the sprites get close to the camera and fill out the screen, it causes serious drawing cost problem (this cost called as Fill Rate Cost ). To avoid this, particles start fade out when they get closer than 1m distance from camera by default. If you need to draw more near area sprite, try to decrease this value. 

Fill Rate Cost 

Controls the max screen fill allowed per emitter. This value is the "cost" of the fill, so making it smaller allows particles more visible. 

Motion Blur Scale 

Control the degree of the motion blur on particles. 

Bind Emitter To Camera 

Forces to relocate current items position to the camera position, and then link them. Useful to making rain or snow effect, which the player can not passes by. 

Move Rel Emitter 

Forces particle motion in emitter space; particles will move with its emitter. 

Space Loop 

Particles loop within a region around the camera, defined by Camera Min/Max Distance. This is useful to make rain or snow effect, which has the infinite spawning area. 

Encode Velocity 

Used for a special shader only; encodes particle velocity in vertex data. 

Configuration Tab



Parameters in this tab controls advanced configurations. These settings limit an effect to only be enabled on certain platform configurations. This allows you to create variant effects for different configurations.


Config Min 

Set the minimum system configuration level for the current item. 

Config Max 

Set the maximum system configuration level for the current item. 


Set the configuration about DirectX 10. 


  • If_True: Enables the current item only on DX10.


  • If_False: Enables the current item only on pre-DX10.
  • Both: Enables the current item always.



Set the configuration depends on if the GPU-based particle computation is supported or not. 


  • If_True: Enables the current item only when GPU-based particle computation is available.


  • If_False: Enables the current item only when GPU-based particle computation is not available.


Both: Enables the current item always. 

Multi Thread 

Set the configuration depends on if the Multi-thread computation is supported or not. 


  • If_True: Enables the current item only when particle multi-threading is available.


  • If_False: Enables the current item only when particle multi-threading is not available.


  • Both: Enables the current item always.


Advanced Techniques


Attaching Particles to Geometry

Here is a description of the various ways you can attach particle emitters to other geometry, with particular emphasis on breakable geometry. 

Basic Attachment 

To attach particle effect to the other entity, use Link Object tool on editor and link particle effect entity to the source object entity at first. Then set AttachType and AttachForm in the particle effect entity parameter appropriately, not on particle editor. There are also AttachType and AttachForm in particle editor's parameter, but they only affect on the Second Particle from other geometry particle. For more details about Particle Effect Entities.doc 

Second Generation Effects 

You can attach emitters to the parent particles, as part of the parent particle effect. If the parent effect has geometry , then the Second Generation effect can optionally emit particles from that geometry, based on its parameters. In this case, AttachType and AttachForm parameter are controlled from the Particle Editor

Breakable Objects 

There are several ways to create breakable geometry in the engine. All are based on a CGF authored with multiple parts. All optionally allow secondary particle effects to be spawned on the broken pieces. 


  • Pure particle effect : You can create a particle effect that instantly creates an "exploding" object. To do this:


Set the effect's Geometry to a multi-part CGF. 

Set Geometry in Pieces true, and Count 1 (for 1 exploding object). 

Set appropriate values for Speed, Focus, Rotation Rate etc to create a nice exploding effect. 

Optionally set Rigid Body for physicalized pieces. 

Optionally create Second-Generation child effects, with appropriate parameters, to create secondary particle effects on the pieces. These effects will spawn at the location of each piece, and if set Continuous , will stay attached to the piece during its lifetime (useful for fire, etc). 


  • DestroyableObjects: This is a special entity that can be "exploded" via an event. All its pieces break off at once. Particle emitters will be optionally attached to each piece based on its Surface Properties (see below).


  • Physically breakable object : This is a Basic Entity, set to use a multi-part CGF, with physics parameters specifying how pieces break off. The physics engine will break pieces of this geometry off individually based on external forces. Particle emitters will be optionally attached to each piece based on its Surface Properties (see below).


Generating Particles from Surface Properties (Material Effect)

Surface properties specify events that occur when something happens to an object with a particular physical material (surface) type. Surface types are identified by names (such as "wood" or "metal"). They can be specified on a render Material, and also on individual pieces or surfaces of a CGF. The properties for each surface type are specified in LUA scripts, stored in the directory. Many of these properties specify particle effects which are spawned based on events such as "bullet" hit or "walk". The effect spawned when a geometry piece breaks off of an entity is specified on the section of the script. This section has the following parameters: 


  • Name: Particle effect name. This effect can, of course, have multiple child effects. Any effects which are Continuous will remain attached to the geometry piece throughout the piece's and/or effect's lifetime.


  • Scale: Additional scale to multiply particle size quantities.


  • Count_scale: Additional scale to multiply particle counts.


  • Count_per_unit: True if particle count should be scaled by the extent of the attached geometry (length for edges, area for surface, etc). This causes particles to be emitted at the same density, regardless of the size of the attached object. You need to experiment to find a good value for count_scale in this case.


Performance Tips


The total number of particles in a scene is actually not very critical. Much more important are total fill-rate, physics, and (to some extent) spawn rate. So, in a framerate-challenged scene, try to avoid these things: 

*Large Overdraw For example, using several large particles (Count > 1 or 2, Size > 1m), additively blended to achieve dense, chaotic glows, refractions, etc. Instead of multiple overlaid sprites to provide chaotic variation and overall density, try the following techniques: Use an Alpha texture with high average opacity instead of Additive. 

Use just 2 particles at a time, and carefully tune the lifetime, rotation rate, and set curves for Alpha, Color, Size, so that they combine in chaotic ways. 

Large full screen particles should have the Fill Rate Cost set at 1 or above, as far as possible. 

Soft Particles 

Soft Particles and expensive shaders, such as refractive materials. These are quite expensive when used with several large particles. Use Soft Particles only on sub-emitters that are near the ground, and have only small particles. Create similar sub-emitters higher up, that emit particles that never intersect the ground, and don't need soft particles. 

For fire, use a horizontal glow texture. Combine that with some glow billboard sprites emitted higher up that don't intersect the ground. None of them need Soft Particles. 

Small particles don't need soft particle. 

High-resolution textures 

Use lower-res textures (if sharp details are not required), and texture compression. 

High-count second-generation 

Each 2nd-gen effect causes an emitter to be created for each particle in the parent effect. This can be quite nice, but somewhat expensive, so use sparingly. 

Physics Parameters 

Simple physics and rigid bodies are very expensive, even simple collision costs a lot of performance. In the event of wanting many colliding objects its best to clone the emitter with the colliding particles and make one only spawn about 20% of the other, and enable collisions only on this emitter. As long as some particles are colliding it will look like everything is colliding. 

If simple terrain collision is enough, set Bounciness > 0, and don't use rigid body. 

Consider splitting an effect into sub-effects, so that only a few particles (perhaps large ones) have Real Physics for appearance, and the rest just go through the ground or fade out quickly. 

Geometry Particle 

Drawcalls are added from using geometries as particles, one drawcall per mesh spawned. Where possible just use non camera aligned sprites using full rotations to resemble meshes at least in their rotation. 

Small Particles 

Small particles like sparks can have a max distance applied to them to make sure they aren't rendered even as very small, single pixel particles. Especially those with collisions, should be turned off for the lowest spec. 

Turn off Diffuse Lighting 

Diffuse lighting should not be used unless it is needed, for self lighting effects like sparks and explosions where they would create their own light the diffuse lighting slider should always be set to low. 

Keep Short Duration 

Keeping effects short in their lifetime obviously helps performance but it also makes the effect more powerful, coupled with a good sound. For explosions the shorter the fire stage of the explosion is the more believable it is. You don't have a chance to see the obvious textures used to create the structure of the effect. This applies to most effects in the game. 

Attaching Particles to the vehicles

There is a Vehicle Editor in the sandbox2, to edit vehicle's behaviors and events. This editor also supporting implement particle effects into any event of the vehicles, like trail or damage effects. For more information, see the Vehicle Editor reference. 

Making Muzzle Flash Effect

To use an effect as a muzzle flash, there is a rule to correctly attach effect to the helper of the weapon. 

Set Enabled as True 

Top node of the effect should be set true on Enabled

Set Count as 0 

Top node of the effect should be set 0 on Count

Bind To Emitter 

Top node of the effect should be set true to Bind To Emitter

Kill particle when they collide

There is a special value for the Bounciness Physics 

  • Use Simple Collision: Set Physics Type as Simple Collision.


  • Set Bounciness: Set Bounciness to -1. This is a special value to kill particle when they collide.


Use Force Generation


You can add some physical force by using Force Generation parameter in Physics tab. These are some examples of the Force Generation

*Hierarchal Attracted Effect As written in Basics/Child Effects above, you can make hierarchal effect. When you use Target to Force Generation parameter, you can make hierarchal attracted effect which has a specific, impressive movement. 


  • Set Top Node: Make an item to use as top node of the hierarchal attracted effect, and set its Force Generation to Target . Set texture or some of appearance parameters, use small Count Value and turn on Continuous . Then set simple radial emissive movement to them, like Emit Angle 180, Var Random 1, and Speed 10.


  • Make Second Effect: Copy top node, add a sub effect and then paste it. Turn on Second Generation .


  • Make Third Effect: Copy second generation particle, add a sub effect to it, paste and make third generation particle.


You can see every sub particles are attracted to the parent effect's particle position through their life time. By repeating this procedure and do some tweak, you can make impressive effect which has very complex movement. Only Target force has a special rule that it's affect only on sub effects of its self. 

Wind Force Effect 

By adding wind force to the effect, you can blow the particles and vegetations around the spawning point of it. It's a powerful function to make explosive effects like hand grenade. 


  • Open Vehicle_fx library, then drag and drop Damages_Land.USTank_engine_smoke_a to the scene.
  • Open explosions library, then drag and drop Grenade_SCAR.soil to the next of smoke, somewhere around in 5 meter distance.
  • Select grenade effect entity and press Reload Script . Grenade effect spawns, and smoke effect will blown by it.
  • Look inside of the grenade effect, and see an item which name is wind . This item has no Count , but has radial emission setting and high Speed value, and Force Generation is set to Wind .


Appearance of particle it self doesn't has any effect on force generation. You can add Count Value and tweak appearance if you want. Intensity of the wind force is controlled by the Speed value of the wind force effect, and affected effects must have value on Air Resistance

Gravity Force Effect 

You can also add gravity force to the effect. Intensity of the gravity force is controlled by the Gravity Scale value of the gravity force effect, and affected effects must have value on Gravity Scale .

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