Decal Tool Reference
What is the Decal Tool?
The decal tool allows placing of projected textures.
By placing decals areas can be made more interesting.
Shows which material is currently assigned to it. Consider using a material from the
/Materials/Decals folder as a base and then modify it.
Minimal Spec
Used for setting in which hardware configuration the entity is rendered or not, not recommend to be changed for river tool, as rivers should be rendered on all specs.
0: used on planar faces . simple quad decal
1: decal is projected on static objects (brushes)
2: decal is projected on terrain
3: decal is used for projection on static objects and terrain at the same time (1+2 combined); this method has the highest rendering time
Specifies how far the decal is rendered
A higher value means the decal is displayed over a decal with a lower value
scale the decal entity along the local x/y axis |
rotate the decal object around the local z-axis |
Update Projection
Legacy: when the underlying object is moved, use this button to automatically reorient the decal to the object – might be removed soon.
Other Decal Tool Parameters
Click here for the Miscellaneous Parameters reference guide.