Here you can open an existing music database or create a new one. Lets look at an existing one.
Note: If you want music in a level. You must open the music database while level is open and save it. That level then will require the music database as a dependency. In other words, you will always have that list of music to choose from in that level. Conversely, closing the database, then saving the level will disassociate the music database from the level and then the music is no longer available in the level.
It is a best practice for each theme to have a default mood. This is listed in the Theme properties in the music database window. The only time when a default mood is not needed is when a particular theme is only used as a holder for one-shot patterns and will never be used with musiclogic enabled.
Other moods can be added, and played via triggers, which are not recognized by the music logic system. For instance, you might want to turn music logic off and on
MusicLogic is a flexible system. Different moods could be added to the MusicLogic to create different adaptive music behaviours.
If you have Crysis, you can open the file game/Music/act1.xml to view the music used.